The Solomon Question

Yesterday I posted asking if The Solomon Question was the same as an old trick called "The Card Changed by Word of Command" which I will call TCCBWoC since people back then seemed incapable of short titles. OP offered to send me his trick to find out if they were the same, or how they differed.

I received it today, and sent him a transcription of my notes, a bit of the history that goes with it, and some of my own variations and subtleties for performing TCCBWoC.

I don't want people to get the wrong impression, so I am posting the verdict here:

  • The Solomon Question can be done on a borrowed deck with no preparation whatsoever - truly impromptu. TCCBWoC needs preparation, and isn't really feasible on a borrowed deck.

  • In The Solomon Question, one of the specs will understand something completely different from TCCBWoC. There is actually a dual reality situation that OP doesn't fully exploit. Consider it a bonus ripe for development.

  • The thing that allows for that cleaner ending in TCCBWoC sticks you with a bit of cleanup if you wish to continue using the deck for subsequent tricks. And you couldn't really repeat TCCBWoC without more-than-practical fiddling about.

  • Technically the main principle driving The Solomon Question is an upside-down version of TCCBWoC, minus the thing that gives it the cleaner reveal.

  • OP provides variations for one-on-one and more-than-2 specs. TCCBWoC would be unmanageable for more than 2 specs.

So are they the same?

Not really, but they are definitely blood relatives. You could perform The Solomon Question verbatim using TCCBWoC's upside-down handling if you are so inclined. Removing the bit that provides TCCBWoC's cleaner reveal does provide a more impromptu method with no cleanup.

/r/Magic Thread