Some federal departments not listening to TB advice on working remotely: PIPSC

So, honest question, I've only ever dealt with the FAA as it relates to contracting, but does section 34 apply to HR matters?

And if it does, wouldn't students and casuals fall under section b ("in the case of any other payment, that the payee is eligible for or entitled to the payment"), which would mean that they could still be "eligible" for payment if they're being asked not to come in to work? Part a) specifically applies to "payment for performance of work, supply of goods, or the rendering of services", my understanding is that this section applies specifically to contracts between the government and suppliers, not contracts between the government and employees. My read would be that contractors who aren't performing work due to office closure are SOL (unless that causes the government to default on a contract somehow) but students and casuals, who are employees, not contractors, should still get paid.

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