As a public servant, how do you feel about the push to cancel Canada Day this year?

The performative allyship rampant on this feed and my FB demonstrate that people will be quite happy not “celebrating” Canada Day to show how much they suddenly care. However, it is also clear that they will not be bothering to go any further than hand-wringing and orange shirts by, for example, reading the Royal Commission report, the TRC reports and its excellent resources, or the MMIWG report. If they had, they likely would not be surprised by the unmarked graves being identified. But don’t worry, they’ll all make sure that everyone on social media knows they won’t be going downtown or having a bbq in the rain. And then they’ll continue on not bothering to educate themselves beyond a tweet, and certainly not doing anything concrete to change a situation they claim to deplore so much.

/r/CanadaPublicServants Thread