Some notes about trans that often goes underreported

No, I mean, I'm just picking that part out of what you wrote to just highlight the fact that a lot of people who are in this community have to live with or put up with an extraordinary amount of bullshit. I feel that in general, being LGBTQIA+ is suffering from a lot of the same problems that every other identity has been ravaged and raped by our ridiculous system of commercialization. It's a system that takes unique and special things about our heritages, our cultures, and our personhoods, and warps them into grotesqueries for the highest dollar.

That's how we end up with black music being the basis of so many successful white musicians going all the way back to the 40's, or Che's face on a t-shirt, when 90% of the people who wear those shirts have zero idea about the fuckery we caused in Latin America. The same has happened to people with mental disorders. That's why kids are all over Tik-Tok self-diagnosing themselves with disorders in very high numbers with extremely rare disorders. Instead of people treating mental health as a basis for living a healthier life, it's been turned into an aesthetic that people wear as a source of conversation or kinship with others. People have trauma Olympics in a desperate attempt to get more attention than others in a world with a limited attention span but maximal distribution of our thoughts.

The market and our civilization exploits and encourages us to do that, by pushing our buttons subconsciously. We need kinship and companionship, but with screens in front of us all day, we don't get that, so we need ways to get attention, like a peacock puffing up its plumage.

Much is the same with the LGBTQIA+ community too. For a while there, it was just shitty Target ads and IKEA gay bags every year, but then the "fapitalism" began consuming gender and sexuality. It exploits it every day by making my boomer parents angry at random children's hospitals that did unspeakable things, yet they can never provide concrete examples. At the same time, any criticism of why kids as young as 7 or 8 are claiming to be nonbinary xenopronoun users at the age of 12 is fucking wrecked.

Honestly, I'm scared as shit to post this. I'm an idiot, and I feel like I'm walking a line because there are a lot of people who have very strong opinions about all of these things, but they all touch my life in some way, and I feel deeply about it. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I might come back through here and add onto this thread or this post with my thoughts later.

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