Some of the women I see posting that on facebook.

Second, the comics' premise is that women in general (as opposed to a niche group) sort of force themselves on men then claim they have been sexual assualted on social media afterward for attention, which is pretty bad in of itself regardless of implication.

well the hashtag as a premise excludes male victims. And there's no reason to think that men aren't as likely to be victims of rape. Leaving anyone with a shread of common sense to assume from it's premise that the people who use this tag are complaining superfluously.

Indeed, more men get raped in prison then women get raped as whole and over half the people in prison are for trivial shit likedrugs and we don't care. I think we should care but If I had to choose between life ending hysteria that women seem to view the issue vs men where sticking a carrot up each other's asses is considered a prank. I'll always go for the latter

Im not the only craze person who has this view. Here's a WOMEN from REASON tv who has a very similar view(basically a libertarian think tank but its not like their a redpil rape apologist group)

We've come back around to again to these very victorian notions that a women is damaged by sex. That a women is hurt by sex. That when a women is raped for example that her life will never be the same again. That she's ruined. They used to call it a fate worse then death. And I think that this is an instrisiticly anti-feminist view because it gives tremendous power to men

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