Our Strength

Western governments, what should they do once they ""realize "" that they can't take credit of themselves.

I'm not convinced that western governments can do anything to drag the African continent, Specifically sub-Saharan Africa, Into the 1st world. I'm just pointing out that you can't look at a population of I.Q. 75ish people and honestly say that the reason they are failing by every metric imaginable is because of "Colonizers" ect. Especially when the most developed parts of the sub-Saharan Africa are the areas associated w/ "Colonizers". Or are we pretending that South Africa would be anything more than a starving village comprised of straw/dung huts filled with tribesman if not for western 1st world intervention?

Not defending apartheid or slavery or any of that... Just pointing out that Africa is, For the most part, A shithole because of Africans, Not white westerners.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it