Oh my God! I wanted a lighter one...

Define Klan supporting. You mean the super racists or just some random CA user?

Just to prove a point.

Also there isn't a survey but pretty much anyone who grew up in a predom black neighborhood knows blacks are way more racist than whites. I couldn't even make a joke about my own race in the white suburbs as a late teen but growing up in black neighborhoods made racism seem like a regular thing.

To take it even further, I actually dont even personally think they were racists for saying or behaving the way they did, but I'm using the modern standard of what is considered racist. Things like

Making fun of the Chinese deliv guy for not knowing English

Calling anyone of middle eastern recent "ack". The song "a-rab money" which is funny since white libs tell me, an actual middle eastern that its racist for me to say "a-rab"

The constant parodies, jokes or impressions of white people. I didn't listen to a lot of music until my mid teens since growing up I was told it was "stupid white people shit".

I could go on and sure its anecdotal, but so are like 90 percent of people. Most people just find studies during arguments to confirm what they feel because of life experience, pretty much everyone initially argues from anecdote on reddit.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com