Where's the Diversity?!

Right wing propaganda regularly promotes antisemitism and antisemitic propaganda

“Japan Needs More Foreign Blood!” Whines Journalist (Who Just Happens to be Jewish"https://dailystormer.name/japan-needs-more-foreign-blood-whines-journalist-who-just-happens-to-be-jewish/

Why doesn't this "journalist" leave the japs alone and maybe advocate for more foreign blood in israel hmmm?

And this subversive lobbyist who fucked off back to israel when this youtube video of her saying that "jews will be at the center of Europe's transformation into a multicultural society" unearthed.

"Barbara Spectre on Multiculturalism, Israel, and the Refugee Crisis"


and seems like this so called antnisemitism is actually just a healthy counter reaction to jewish anti gentilism.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com