I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before BLM is marching in the street over this...

Seeing the look on their faces is pretty heartbreaking, slavery is a horrible thing. For a moment, I reflected, considered whether seeing this image changes my feelings about modern day reparation-seekers in America... however, if anything, it has only reinforced my belief. That is, if I was a slave saw the behavior of minorities who were trying to profit from my suffering, the sheer entitlement and ignorance of it... I'd be kind of pissed.

Seriously, how dare you. If anything, you have more clout than anyone else and you're still playing the victim? How have you personally been affected by slavery? You're seriously going to keep using the enslavement of your great-great-great grandfather that you don't even know the name of as an excuse to perpetuate the problem you claim to be trying to solve?

MLK would be rolling in his grave if he knew how racist people have become in over-compensating for inequalities that have long since been corrected at a social and institutional level.

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Link - i.redd.it