This subreddit will be gone too, so idgaf

Ladies and Gentlemen...

There hasn’t been a day in 26 years that I didn't want to come to browse here, because I loved this subreddit and I enjoyed shitposting with you. What a blessing to be able to say that!

You have been my second family and you have supported me in my career and in my personal life. You listened to my stories about the birth of my children and you cared when my mother entered the nursing home.

I'm going to miss you all ... the fun and arguments we had at the tea break, listening to the "hurler on the ditch" on Monday morning telling us how the match should have gone.

Being a part of this subreddit was challenging and rewarding. I did my best and I was well rewarded in kind and in friendship. I was privileged to be part of a team which achieved success that we can all be proud of.

I'm looking forward to having the time and the freedom to pursue my hobbies and interests including writing, travel, golf and hanging out with family and friends.

Imagine the joy of travelling without an agenda, followed by a new post notification, leisurely lunches without worrying you might be sleepy in the afternoon and downvotes from sjws. Yes, there are compensations in life's transitions!

Thank you for sharing our last day together me and thank you for the support and friendship over 26 years.

I believe that shitposting will continue to grow and prosper and I trust that each one of you will be happy and fulfilled here. Keep up the good work; you’ve been a wonderful team to work with.

Thanks for everything, I shall miss you. And don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table

/r/CringeAnarchy Thread Link -