Sorry if this is frequently asked but is Tusk act 4 able to defeat GER?

I’d argue that Made in Heaven could beat GER. (Part 6 spoilers obviously) We have reason to believe MiH can make living things age when accelerating time (the scene in the grocery store where he makes the child age and the chickens in the eggs grow), and Pucci just chose to age only inanimate objects once he had full control of MiH. If we throw morals aside and assume Pucci is willing to win at any cost, he could accelerate time and allow people to age, which isn’t a direct attack against Giorno or GER, and would effect him no matter the location of Pucci or Giorno, so I doubt he could use GER’s ability to defend against it. Purely theory though, as we don’t know the full extent of GER’s ability, or if I’m right about the aging thing.

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