(Spoilers All)A new Season 6 Actor accidentally leaks a page of the script [NSFW]

I personally just hate watching those scenes

Something about watching rape makes me really uncomfortable

I can barely stomach those things

You just described how almost everyone feels while watching a rape scene. And that's the entire point. It's rape.

And no one puts rape scenes into a show or movie to make "$$$". That's insulting to all kinds of artists everywhere.

You're shown rape for multiple reasons that don't have to do with money or controversy.

One reason is just plain realism (and by that, I mean the human psyche in GoT, we all know it's a fantasy story). Many, many girls, boys, men and women who are victims of rape don't talk about it for years or decades after the fact. Countless never talk about it. Those that do talk about it, rarely will ever talk about it in any kind of detail, even to the people they're closest to. Which is also a reason why many victims don't take their rapists to court. None of this is even adding in what trauma can do to your memory. There are plenty of victims who can't remember details..

Anyway, really my main point is that showing the rape happen is truly the only way for them to make you feel the way they want you to feel about what's happening.

You don't like feeling uncomfortable, you don't like feeling sick. Perhaps it makes you angry or sad, or makes you want to stop watching, makes you want to turn away and have it just end. And makes you never want to see it again.

And that is the whole point. You're feeling part of what the character being violated feels so much so that it almost makes you feel viiolated. You're feeling some deep empathy. And as far as story telling goes, that's a good thing. That's part of what makes this story so captivating to us. If we didn't care about the characters and hurt when they're hurt, it wouldn't be nearly as good.

That's definitely at least part of why D&D chose to have Sansa replace Jeyne. I do understand why plenty of people were upset that her plot had changed and that she was raped instead of Jeyne. But again, it was supposed to be upsetting. The show is so much shorter than the book, so there is much less time to know characters, care about them and just almost no time at all for the depth of emotion we feel for all the other "minor" characters. Adjustments need to be made for a much shorter visual adaptation and simply put, they needed a lot of emotion and people just would not have been as upset about a girl they last saw in Season 1 getting raped by a crazy asshole. But a girl we love, who we've watched grow up? Absolutely.

I'm almost done, just 1 more thing.

it's really shitty to rape survivors.

Now I would never presume that you're not a rape survivor and if you are, you're very obviously entitled to your own feelings and opinions.

However, I just felt like I should chime in on this as a victim of multiple rapes who attends a support/therapy group with many other victims. We've actually discussed portrayal of rape in the media and Game of Thrones specifically, even and I just want others to know that most victims (and my entire support group) don't think it's shitty or offensive to portray rape in television, movies or books, as long as it's sympathetic to the victim and isn't some kind of glorifying "bitch got what she deserved!" thing that's genuinely trying to justify rape.

And obviously there are plenty of opinions out there, it's just that everyone I know who has been through it doesn't want rape to be swept under a rug and to pretend like it doesn't exist or happen. And the way I see it is a very-realistic tv show/book series with multiple POVs during war-time not portraying rape would make it no longer realistic.

Sorry, I truly didn't mean to type this much. And none of this is meant to offend you or belittle you in any way. Just hope I can help you see a different point of view and maybe see it more as a realistic way to allow the audience to feel more of a depth of emotion towards the characters in order to make a more compelling and emotional story rather than simply something sickening that shouldn't be shown and is only being used for controversy and money.

/r/asoiaf Thread Parent Link - mashable.com