*SPOILERS* OFFICIAL CC: HoSaB Discussion Master Post for the book/leaks. Read at your own risk! *SPOILERS*

Quick notes:

The sex scenes and the audiobook narrator were a unique brand of awful that bars on grounds for the illegal. Seriously.

Ithan and Tharion was right there, the perfect couple to fucking have an actually meaningful relationship, but of course there would never be a non heterosexual pov character in anything but imagination, so that ship sailed long ago.

Loved how expansive and vast it all is, however the Asteri reveal was a little underwhelming. In fact it was pretty given from the beginning that they would be basking in all that power. Was expecting something as big as Maeve being a Valg Queen. Nothing is all that surprising honestly.

The crossover is simply not needed.

Hunt is awfully boring. We get it, Apollion is his sire. Move along.

Danika. Ah, Danika. When will her prequel come out? She's so intensely more interesting than anyone else.

Honestly, Juniper (and Fury) seem like such shit friends to Bryce. What she did was wrong, but even from part 1 they just seem so meh.

Just finished reading so that's it

/r/SarahJMaas Thread