Star Citizens dev responds to criticism. Take note S Murray.

Funny thing, when NMS released and proved to be the disappointment that it is, people complained about the ridiculous hype surrounding the game and yet in the same breath began to hype about SC.

Admittedly, the SC devs have been much more open than Hello Games and have already released some pretty impressive stuff.

However, there are also plenty of issues such as feature creep in the kickstarter and massive delays. Plus Chris Roberts doesn't have a good recent track record. He left video games because he couldn't finish Freelancer then he had to leave Hollywood because his production company got sued.

Also he appointed his wife as the head of HR (presumably with a nice pay packet, although they refuse to say anything about their finances despite using backer money) yet refused to acknowledge their relationship to the community. It was only once certain community members did some digging that the truth came out. And then they were accused of doxxing his family.

All I'm saying is that there are plenty of reasons to be sceptical about it.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Link -