Stealing the AskReddit post so we can have more fun with it: Be honest, what fictional character is the best representation of you?

Hands down, Hermione Granger. butfuckJKRtho.
I am not the most naturally talented witch artist on the planet but I make up for it in other ways and I am a relentless, unapologetic academic. Also, bushy hair. I try not to go all didactic on people around me though. That can be really annoying.

There are also days where I kinda feel like I'd be Sansa Stark if I was caught up in that kinda mess. Fortunately, that's not terribly likely but for a lot of my life, I just kinda went alone with whatever abuse people heaped on me. It took me to the age of thirty-gotdamn-seven-ass years old to figure out I don't have to feel bad about telling people no, taking control, or walking away from abusers.

/r/Fantasy Thread