In your opinion, what are some of the most disturbing/disgusting cases, and what is the best coverage of them over YouTube or a podcast?

You’re too funny lol.

  1. What do you mean writing a script? This isn’t science-fiction. He does what I like, give me the facts. I don’t want a script. I want factual information chronologically given to me without added commentary, which he does.

  2. I would prefer him to cite books more often, not less. I get tired of other podcasters not citing books enough. I want more book quotes from him, not less.

  3. How does that work? Should he call John Douglas and tell him he cited his book, along with two others, throughout the BTK episode? I guess I could understand that one, maybe he should call the authors and tell them. The problem is he’s pulling information from multiple books.

Like I said, mate, I think we just have different tastes. I prefer a podcast without commentary, I want just-the-facts, and I want them in order of how they happened. He does this, that’s why I will continue to listen to him over two high school friends laughing while they talk about Ted Bundy slaughtering Kimberly Leach. But hey, at least the two high schools are original.

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