[Steam] Gods Will Be Watching ($2.49/-75%), Gods Will Be Watching Collector's Edition ($4.99/-75%)

Well, apparently this is your conversation in the [deleted] thread above.

In response to /u/Sudahead expressing their opinion of the game:

It's such a shame anyone would prefer simple-minded, two-button decisions over the depth of GWBW. It sounds like you should stick with your PopCultureVomitTale "games" and leave ones like this for the grown-ups.

Then /u/RP340 says:


so your response is:

Oh do you like those garbage "games," too?

I'm happy people flame my opinion on and this game as a whole. It just furthers my belief that most people are simply too stupid to understand it.

Then /u/RP340 says:

What, Telltale games? Nah, not really. You're just being a pretentious and needlessly combative twat. The downvotes reflect this, not jealousy over your unsurpassed intelligence. Your need to feel smarter than people based on the games you like is pretty pathetic. I hope you're in high school and soon to grow out of it.

To which you respond:

You're free to have your opinions, as am I.

You support things that catalyze the simplification of the game industry and I strongly oppose them. I support higher thinking and you want someone to read you a bedtime story. Telltale is, in my opinion, the second worst thing to happen to gaming in recent years (only short of "Let's Play" videos).

which leads us to the stuff that isn't deleted yet.

I gave you literally no indication that I support any of those things you're railing about. In fact, I don't like this genre at all.

Grow up. You seem to fancy yourself some kind of warrior on behalf of super smart, grown up games, ranged against the hordes of mouthbreathers who dare like different games than you. Really, no one cares how sophisticated your gaming preferences are. You do you, and stop being such an insufferable prick to others.


Not sure if it was you, but someone said merely "/r/iamverysmart[1] " and then deleted their comment. This was my response to that, but is a suitable response here as well:

~ If I sound like most of that stuff, it's because I'm angry. I play mindless games, too - but I don't care to play for stories. Games that are only that seem trite and pointless to me. I don't think I said anything dumb to justify my rationale, but this will probably be something I delete later. Feel free to screenshot it and submit it there before I do. It is rather difficult to have an unpopular opinion and at least by being 'rude,' it was noticed. Pointing out my opinions in a neutral tone, though kinder, would have left said opinion stagnant. ~

The comment that started this basically says that the author would rather play a simple game than one that requires deep, complex thought. I don't think GWBW did very well, and if one played it they would understand that it does require uncommonly profound thinking and a strategic difficulty so challenging it required the creators to make it easier. It really is "a game for smart people" that (unfortunately) most will never be able to appreciate.

I didn't fancy myself as that kind of warrior... until now... but your first opinions actually made me question my philosophies. It appears now, however, that you're the one being unnecessarily rude. Clearly those who downvote me care enough to disagree but I'm happy they heard what I had to say. I wish it didn't have to be this way. <3

/r/GameDeals Thread Parent Link - store.steampowered.com