Whats the worst thing you've ever been accused of while being completely innocent?

One of my favorite stories to tell - I was accused by the professor of cheating on a midterm exam. I have carpal tunnel and can't hold a pencil or write for long periods of time, so I had an accommodation to type essays/exams on a computer with Disability Services on campus. I had taken several exams there before, they take your bag/phone/etc and bring you to a small room with just a laptop (not hooked up to internet) and give you a folder with the test inside. I take out the paper and look at the questions, which seemed relevant to the subject but to be honest I hated this class and only skimmed the books. So I BS'd some answers and thought "welp, worst case I'll just drop the class idk" - last day of Spring break, I'm on my way back to campus. I get an email from the Prof asking to meet with him ASAP as it is urgent. I thought 'oh god I failed the midterm so hard he wants a meeting? Yikes' as I'm typically a great student but I knew I hadn't studied so it was my bad. He hands me a paper and says "is this the exam you took?" (it wasn't) so he says "well then how did you answer the questions you WERE given? If you didn't take that class?" - these were 2 classes in the same subject both taught by him - and goes on about how I must have cheated or had someone take it for me, there's no mistake etc etc. I'm SOBBING in his office as I've never been accused of really anything and I would never cheat. He says I can take a zero on the exam (making my grade a 65 D- for the semester by default). I ended up going to the Dean and pleading my case that the Disability Office was the one who did the mix up, but he still wouldn't let me retake the correct exam so we got the class wiped from my record. And I managed to fulfill this required class with another similar course credit. Swerved them.

TLDR - I'm apparently so good at BSing that I answered exam questions for a class I didn't take convincingly enough, and the professor was so mad about it that he tried to flunk me. You suck, Donovan.

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