If you never teach your kid about safe sex, you have no right to complain if they get pregnant.

I feel like the sex ed programs we have here in school are pretty comprehensive, so my parents never talked to me about it they just left it up to that.

We had sex ed classes first in grade 5 (11 years old), where we were taught about puberty and periods and stuff. And then in grade 6 sex ed we were taught about having sex and how babies are made and pregnancy. Then in grade 7/8 (13 years old) we dove into a bit more detail about sex, but mostly was about how to use protection and different contraceptives (the whole putting a condom on a banana thing).

Though I still think parents should talk to their kids about it, it still does kinda cover the topics and personally I wold have preferred to find out in a school environment than from my parents because that would’ve been pretty awkward.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread