Stephanie Cohen 545 lb deadlift. Over 4 times her body weight. Gotta love the hype man too

Please tell me more about all of these people taking very expensive drugs to compete against tested lifters in a sport where there is hardly any money

You realise there are countless people taking these drugs just for fun, right? A cycle or two isn't all that expensive and you'll find steroid users from all walks of life.

I did my first cycle when I had no job almost 10 years ago now. Just did it for fun and wanted to look good at the beach, really.

But instead, these people decide to compete in a federation where they could get caught cheating

There is absolutely zero percent chance someone could be caught cheating for a steroid cycle they did years ago.

But as we know from the studies I posted, they would still have a physiological advantage over everyone who hadn't used PEDs in the past.

and where they could be ostracized and shunned by the community if they fail a test.

Again, they're not going to get caught. Testing for PEDs is useless even a month or two after the cycle is finished.

...and lastly, if you think people wouldn't enter a tested comp while knowing that they have an advantage from prior gear use, you'd be incredibly naïve.

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