Stop Demonizing High Sex Drives 2020!!

Hiking with my dog is good excercise but it won’t get me the physique that Olympic lifting n shit will. It certainly won’t teach me any boxing or jiu jitsu techniques... and I’m already on the low end of the amount of time I’d like to spend on guitar.

Trust me I see the appeal of orgasming as much as possible, I’ve been there. I used to set aside chunks of time to jerk off or get laid. But it’s like anything else, moderation. There’s only so much time and energy in any given day. Sometimes I do go to bed horny because I chose to occupy the past couple days with other things, but sacrifices need to be made. I honestly think if you allow sexual urges to get in the way of your other pursuits that entering into low-discipline sex-addiction territory.

But if you just don’t have other pursuits, that’s cool too. No shame in that. Not everyone wants to work work out or learn instruments or learn how to box or run an LLC. More time to have sex. And some people have lower standards than I do so they’re able to frequently get laid without taking care of their body and developing separate facets to themselves. But personally I’m only into fit women and fit women are usually only into fit men. and when I say “fit”’I don’t mean “eats salads and walks his dog” fit. I mean “tracks macros, lifts weights, sprints and boxes” fit. And I don’t want to have a girlfriend who doesn’t have ambitions and usually women with ambitions are only into men with ambitions.

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