Straight/bi GC women: what kind of man would you describe as your ideal man? What kind of men are you attracted to?

I don't really have a "type" so I'll just describe my current boyfriend whom I've been with for 4 years now: incredibly creative, loves talking about complex topics with me, genuinely sweet, long hair, skinny, nearly same taste in art/media as me. Not gonna lie, he's a little weird looking but I love it. I'll sport my rose colored glasses proudly. Two things we're working on is making him stronger (I'm stronger than him)- as we want him to be capable- and working on his time management. I'd like to be with someone who is able to get things done, because eventually I'd like to have children and I'd like to trust him to be able to deal with that stress and management.

So basically, I'm attracted to men who are passionate about something, get shit done, love complex conversation, are loyal, treat me well (that includes telling me when I'm wrong), and are free-spirited/fun.

/r/GCdebatesQT Thread