Strength training questions

I've been reading Periodization Training for Sports by Tudor Bompa which goes over weight training as it relates to sports in depth.

In general he recommends three phases of training: anatomical adaption (roughly 2-6 weeks depending on experience), max strength (rough 2-3 months depending on goals), and then transitioning strength to specific sports performance. He also has a hypertrophy phase for people who need muscle size like T&F throwers or football players (where having more mass makes them more effective at hitting and being hit).

The anatomical adaption phase would be similar to almost any of the general circuit training you see recommended for runners. If you're new to lifting that's a great way to start for a couple of weeks.

The max strength phase focuses on 2-3 sets of compound lifts like front squats, and keeping reps in the 3-5 range. The idea is that by keeping reps low you're working on your neuromuscular system's ability to recruit all muscles in a muscle chain without actually growing in size. The closest thing I've seen to what he recommends is Wendler's 5/3/1, at least as far as rep schemes go. The exercise selection is different. A runner might focus only on doing the front squat with the 5/3/1 rep protocol for instance, and then incorporate a few accessory exercises like calf raises and Romanian deadlifts to hit the rest of the posterior chain, and then do some core work. The major problem is that if you're a new lifter you probably don't know your 1 rep max and are maybe not so comfortable with big compound lifts.

The sports specific phase takes the strength gains you made in the last phase and tries to increase specificity. So you might incorporate some all out sprints into your routine and some running specific plyometrics like single leg bounding.

Hopefully that's helpful!

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