Stuck on 3BC - Is my approach wrong?

Happy ending y'all -- I destroyed that shit tonight, with surprising ease. Took the group advice and unlocked some additional weapons with the Hunter's grenade and some different routes -- specifically I finally got Giant Killer, Boys Axe, which were clutch. Lucked into a Giant Killer in the High Peak Castle, and happened to hit a Rift and two Cursed Chests in my route, so I was at like 4-4-28 by the time I hit HOTK, which was the best I've had on 3BC.

Shout out to Death's Scythe, which I used right up until the end with the +70% Root and Boy's Axe. That's def my favorite addition from the Castlevania DLC. Those soul swarm things just cook regular mobs. It's perfect for my play style.

'preciate y'all! 4BC lets go.

/r/deadcells Thread