82-year-old Gary Rasor, was working at the Home Depot when he spotted Terry McMillian attempting to steal 3 power washers. When Gary stepped in front of the shoplifter to stop him, he was pushed to the ground and hit his head on a flower pot, paralyzing him, and later dying at the hospital.

I’m sorry for this 82-year old man who had such an unrealistic idea of his role that he decided to put his life in danger. He should have known better. Home Depot should be held responsible for not training their employees better. If I continuously let my guys climb on ladders with no training, and one falls off and dies, I’m going to be responsible as an employer. I can’t just say “don’t get in ladders!”. These big box stores are allowing their employees to put their lives at risk over merchandise because they aren’t trying hard enough to stop them. Next time someone even attempts to intervene in a shoplifting attempt, fire them on the spot. It’s for their own safety.

/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion Thread Link - i.imgur.com