"Sugar is not addictive"

What an oddly combative comment:

First off, how is anything i said bull shit. I didn’t say people avoided fruit. They didn’t have it because humans basically invented modern fruit. Plants didn’t naturally form high sugar fruit until we bred them too. Just look up what ancient versions of modern fruits look like, they are generally tough, fibrous and in many cases inedible without cooking which cost energy. Something early humans didn’t have a ton of. Thousands of years of horticulture cultivated all modern fruits.

Secondly, I also was clearly referring to dietary sugar not sugar as a basic concept since I said “part of a human diet”. From your own comment, obviously you know you don’t need to eat sugar to get it but like i said eating it as sugar already is the “most readily available form”

I really don’t understand the tone of your comment or even the point of it. I don’t see anything contradictory to my comment unless you just didn’t know that fruit as we know it today basically didn’t exist for modern humans. Of course they would eat it if they had it. We have and we eat it and we are the same species so… duh

/r/confidentlyincorrect Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it