The natives were quite joyful werent thet?

id like to take a moment to bring up that this topic is synonymous with why republicans dont want crt, slavery or racial history taught in schools to american children and adolescents.

Cherry pick the good stuff, leave out all the bad. Most are afraid that if we acknowledge the full story and depravity, we would then have to change our ways, change our laws, change our way of life. Not to mention the oligarchs would loose influence, power and money.

I’ve always been curious How many politicians have money invested in stocks and companies with ties to private prisons. Its lucrative af to hold someone in prison and make them work for actual slave wages. Most prisons manufacturing clothes, blankets, plastics, machine shops, wood shops, sweat shops, OH! and putting out forest fires for pennies an hour wages. We haven’t even gotten into the 13th amendment yet. Shit is wack when we cherry pick historical information and instruct kids, in that skewed information tunnel. Most humans prefer to make their own assumptions with all the information. Historically, the catholic church has stifled information and has shielded their glorified transgressions against native tribes, since the dawn of its religious creation. Many mysteries hide under the Vatican, untold and stripped away from human history because you/me/we are deemed unworthy for the truth.

I will say, early christians compared to christianity now, specifically America, Is SO DIFFERENT to how we live. They are two separate teachings completely. Now We allow Modern day christians spew out as much violence as possible because they want to be the catalyst for end times and Revelations prophecy. anyways. I’m just rambling and thought id share some of my thoughts. thanks for getting my brain moving w your comment.

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