Suggestion (Not sure if possible) - Pro Players should be more easily identified

I am indifferent about the Pro Player flair, but the content creator flair is certainly a bad idea.

First of all, it is free advertisement for them. Because there is now potential monetary gain involved, there will be a struggle to get one of these flairs, and there may be huge drama if the mods go "You don't have enough subscribers/followers/reach, you don't get a flair".

This brings me to my second point. Let's imagine that the mods impose some sort of minimum amount of followers or subscribers or whatever for each content creator to receive a flair, because if they wouldn't, everyone with a youtube channel would just sign up for them and the flair wouldn't mean anything anymore - you see, there has to be a limit. But now only big-ish streamers and content creators receive special flairs, and therefore, advertisements. This funnels views and clicks to the people that are already bigger, not to mention the fact that it stunts growth from emerging content creators.

A flair like this can cause a lot of drama. Right now, there's not that many HotS content creators and those that are established are well-known amongst the community. We don't need to open a pandora's box.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread