Dishonored 2 – Corvo Gameplay Trailer

A bit torn on this.

Graphically, it looks about 3 years old (Bioshock 3)... the character animation is still really poor, and the engine really doesn't do the business with lighting/shading, and textures look a bit ropey. It's not enough to put me off the game but I had hoped for a bigger leap in tech. I just hope it doesn't have gates/doors with loading screens every 200 yards.

My major problem with the first game was that once you figured out how to read the levels for stealth routes, many were insultingly short, and some of the others were disappointingly game-y. I mean.... the climactic level was little more than half a dozen rather obvious and largely unchallenged blinks. I found navigating the preceeding 2 levels a far more 'focused' challenge, with a greater sense of exploration and exploiting the environment (rather than just point and blink at the furthest, highest point). The DLC levels were seemed pretty well done but TBH I had reached my fill by then.

Of course, what worked were the balanced powers. I really felt I was going to be missing out on quite a lot by just pursuing stealth, but I never once thought, damn, I really wish I had power (a) with charm (b) right about now.

Similarly, the heart was an idea with a lot of potential, but it just didn't quite ever seem the right time to pull it out. I'd like to see more life in the world, so that it tells it's own story, rather than reading about stuff that had no bearing on the game, in the cliched book/audio log format.

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