[WP] You meet your soulmate on a school trip but don't get their contact information...

Spring was ending and everything in it turning from rose colored to a dry crisp orange.

The bus smelled of teen spirit; body odor, cigarettes, and awkwardly enough piss. Reaching into my messenger bag I pulled out the stuffed animal I was going to give to Mia. A small pink teddy bear I had won from a game at the theme park. In its hands it held a red heart with white stitching of the word love.

She was from another school and she too was leaving to go back home to finish out her senior term before summer break. If only I had the bravery to muster up the courage to ask her for her information maybe just maybe I would be able to visit her over summer.

We could go to the beach and splash in the water by the boardwalk. We could go out to nature and go climbing to the top of mountains. Our last summer being teens would be the best. We would conquer the world.

I smiled at the thought and stared outside blankly before slowly turning it into a frown. Thinking of this hurts. It hurts to highest extent to pluck heartstrings and play with love only for it to be lost.

Reaching into a small pocket on the side of my bag I pulled out a picture card from the photo booth. Three frames and the first one was taken up his sheepish look and Mia trying to get him to be creative. The next frame he smiled softly while Mia put a fist in the air howling upwards to the heavens. The last frame both of them looking at each other staring right into each other’s eyes with a wide smile.

Mia was very outgoing compared to myself. I don’t think I’d meet someone else quite like her.

I stared at these photos for a while before turning it over to the back. There was writing from Mia! My heart began to race as I read.


Today was one of the most fun days I have had in my life.

Thanks for being a part of it.

Keep in touch, it’s going to be a long summer.

-Signed Mia

(555) 555-5555

/r/WritingPrompts Thread