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Suicidal over the seemingly permanent negative side effects from vaccine

Suicidal over the seemingly permanent negative side effects from vaccine

You got this! Try your best not to think so much about the vaccine itself but try your best to get comfortable. I have an inflammatory autoimmune disease and chronic lyme so I feel all sorts of painful things. Dizziness and nausea are new for me but I've found its hard to pinpoint the cause for either. I think recently it's caused by cervical vertigo for me. I know you've probably heard this a ton, but what I eat impacts my day a lot. I do best in my worst moments with mostly fruit and veggie smoothies, steamed veggies, and white fish. I also need to spend as much time outside as possible. Cbd helps mostly mentally. Talk to anyone you can but try not to dwell on the negative- Be open to distractions and different topics

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