Super woke on a bike.

For sure. I think most people go through a questioning phase. I live in a Bible Belt and we attended a Christian school, the girl I was friends with who knew she was gay by second grade was living in an entire region where being gay wasn’t acceptable só for sure her parents didn’t guide her into thinking she was gay. She just always knew and everyone else knew something was different about her just not sure what. Not in a bad way. This was in the 90s mind you.

I had my questioning phase in my 20s and I’m happily bisexual. I think it’s safe to question when children mention being any sort of orientation because they shouldn’t have to think about it as children, not that there is anything wrong with any orientation at all but it’s not meant for kids to be experimenting with or diving into. if I heard someone say they were gay or transgender at a very young age I’d be concerned about what the parents are saying. Kids shouldn’t be faced with their orientation until their older IMO, as in they should be allowed to question as they grow without boundaries or guides, their parents shouldn’t try to ever steer them into anything.

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