When your "religious" beliefs don't save you...

You are kind of wrong there. Am religious, we basically follow two laws. Religious laws and the laws of the land. I don’t know about other religions, but my religion (Islam) tells us to respect the religion, but respect the laws of the land too. For example if it tells me to stone someone for homosexuality (I wouldn’t), but the country’s laws tells me I can’t do that, then I must follow the laws. Even if they are contradicting towards each other, if one of the laws forbids a certain action, then I can’t do it. Those parents? They disrespected the laws of the land, so therefore they aren’t Christians (if they have the same “follow both laws” rule, correct me if I’m wrong).

Also, the parents were the pieces of shit, not because of their religion, but because they were negligent on their baby. This video has little to do with religion and you are taking it out of context, the point of the video is to illustrate how harmful negligence can be, not how harmful religion is. And even then I don’t see the direct link between religion and believing the government is a “conspiracy”. Basically what I’m saying is that it’s the person, not the religion.

/r/iamatotalpieceofshit Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it