Supergirl - 4x03: "Man of Steel" Post Episode Discussion

Then he went off the reservation.

If only someone had paid attention to his and others' complaints before he got that far. Sigh, if only. Instead folk ran ahead with their social change without considering the full impact, too busy patting themselves on the back about how progressive they are. Change is good, when appropriately controlled and managed. Change for the sake of change is dangerous. Too much change too soon is dangerous. His perspective may be somewhat racist and xenophobic and that's not 'cool', but it can't be discounted as a factor. It shouldn't prevent change, but whilever a significant amount of people hold to a certain viewpoint that viewpoint has to be respected. Yeeting your way through simply doesn't cut it. There was a point where this guy could have been stopped before he started simply by people listening to him and accepting that their progressive change had negative consequences. Recent real world parallels apply.

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