Sure buddy

Are you saying that people, specifically queer women, are queer solely because they’re trying to gain the attention of people like you with things like

colored their hair, listened to whatever music no one else was, got shitty tatttoos, do their make up to resemble clowns, align politically with the far left

These are all things that all people do, it’s not limited to queer ppl, do you not remember that trend where boys were dying their hair blond ? There’s multiple male rappers with colorful hair , multiple straight female singers and rappers with colorful hair, I’m sure they didn’t do it for attention, they probably did it bc it looks cool.

Why does what music they listen to matter ? Shitty music to you can be great music to me. And all queer people don’t listen to the same music.

Shitty tattoos is something where I feel like you just don’t like the design of the tattoo they got, but once again every queer person with a tattoo doesn’t mean it’s shitty.

And clown makeup is simply you not liking the way they do their makeup, which is fine ig, but you’re saying it as if it’s a checkbox that all queer people fit, that’s weird asf.

Idek why you brought being politically left into this, bc it’s not something you can determine simply by looking or speaking to a person, there’s many queer people on both sides and there’s many YouTube videos on it.

if you are alternative or gay it isn’t enough to set them apart and they’re no longer unique enough to garner the attention they crave.

People aren’t gay because they want to be unique and garner attention. People are gay because they like people of the same sex. Are there SOME gay people who may be doing it for attention ? I don’t doubt it but understand that it’s definitely not the majority and it’s definitely not all.

So what do they do now?....well, they make up and act out rare mental disorders. They’re already putting on a front for attention, so it isn’t a far leap.

The front I’m assuming you’re talking about them already putting on is their gayness....ok

They see other im not like the other other girls doing it and watch a couple YouTube videos and BAM they now have 15 personalities and 100k followers on tik tok eating it up

Being gay isn’t really a good way to stamp that “I’m not like other girls” shit tho, bc you’re only different in your sexuality, you most likely dress and look like the girls around you.

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