Swapping a full time career for a part time retail job - how should I handle a group interview?

I'm in a "professional" role and went for an interview for job at a veterinary clinic several years back. I'd worked at a vet clinic for 5 years in high school and college. They point blank told me they'd never hire me because I had that professional degree and would leave their clinic whenever I was bored and ready to make better money again. I've been considering finding a retail or other job outside my profession in the future. If I go that route, I'm going to dumb down my resume and work experience and if asked say something along the lines of "after 15 years in a rewarding career I've decided to seek other opportunities that allow me to explore other passions and interests" or something like that. Fingers crossed we both find something that works for us that'll give us a chance. =)

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread