Switch from coal to gas cut CO2 emissions from German fossil fuel power plants by a third

Well ask the people of Ukraine how they feel about nuclear power ;)...in all seriousness I agree shutting down the plants early in germany was a mistake. PS: I think that data may be wrong. It just links to wikipedia for Ukraine which says:


Approximately 37% coal, which would give it ~370g co2 per kwh overall, even if it's low(er) carbon now.

France however does indeed have a very green nuclear grid powered grid though.

It's a shame nuclear reactors have failed to pan out in finland, france, UK, china, america (twice), and india. Existing reactors should be run as long as safely possible, but so far the case for new nuclear power plants seems rather poor if no one can make it work economically speaking.

/r/energy Thread Parent Link - cleanenergywire.org