Talking to a girl with S2 Cervical Cancer

HPV strain: yes, in theory, you could pass it on to someone else but a) it's probably not going to survive in you and if it does, b) it's not necessarily going to cause cancer in another partner even if that partner contracts that strain.

Ideally, you'd go get a Gardasil vaccination before engaging in sex with her. Ask your doctor. Explain the situation. You can also check with your local Planned Parenthood and see if they administer it.

Condoms help but are not recommended as a prevention because they're only partially effective.

Abstinence, of course, will DEFINITELY prevent the spread of HPV. And I'm not being facetious. If you reaaaaaallly want to hang around with her and having sex with her is important, tell her that. Then tell her to wait until you can look into getting a vaccine.

ABOUT THE BIOPSY: If she STILL hasn't had a biopsy she doesn't fucking have cancer. I'm not buying it. Here's how fast I got a biopsy.

My doctor put a speculum in for a pelvic exam, saw the tumor and only waited a day to perform the biopsy because she caused me to bleed so badly performing a simple Pap test that she couldn't see to do the biopsy.

I had it done the next day and had the results in less than a week. They don't mess around. In fact, I had a radical hysterectomy accomplished in less than a month after the results came in.

And my tumor, from what my initial doctor's visit revealed, would have put me at stage I. If her doctor said she had stage II, that's more than 4 cm. That's a big ass tumor and quite serious.

So no. No way. Someone isn't getting their story straight.

It's none of my business but I wouldn't sleep with her if I were in your position. Like I said before, support doesn't require sexual intercourse.

ALSO, whatever you do, don't try to perform oral on her. YOU can get throat cancer. It's rare but possible.

27 is still too young to be "typical". Like I said, typical age is my age; mid to late 40's maybe early 50's.

Something's not right.

/r/cancer Thread