Why has my mother who has cancer, been pushing me away.

Hello, She has always been very open with emotions. Often cried in front of me, talked about her emotions… has regularly seen a therapist since I can remember. She is still this way. But this time I visit and she’s a bit different. The hug was just our regular old hugs, we’ve always been very close and hug a lot. This isn’t the first time I’ve cried because of her cancer, and most of the past times she has cried with me, she’s always been comfortable expressing emotions around me. I would understand the cause of this sudden coldness if something had recently changed in her progress with cancer, anything at all. But just last week before I came to visit she called me with good news, she was very happy, said her recent scans came back and her nodules in her lungs stopped growing and many of them shrank significantly since the start of this treatment. She finished immunotherapy recently, and her oxygen levels are getting better and better. This makes us both happy :). I know that recovery and emotional recovery from this is not linear, not easy at all. As many of the other comments decided to turn this post into me diminishing my mother’s cancer which I am not at all, you are the only one who has given me something to think about, and some advice so thank you very much!

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