[TASK] Your mission: Get me a free sex toy and get paid $15.00

Ive tried to be nice, now that you've insulted the company I work for, all bets are off, asshole.

Let me spell this out very simply for your simple mind. Yes, companies do give out products sometimes. "Hurting for numbers" sounds ignorant as fuck. Companies exist to sell things. I guarantee Pepsi is doing just fine, how much you want to make a bet you wont get jack shit asking for a review two liter? For review purposes they give them to people who are established. Who have a viewership or a readership, who appeal to people who then in turn go out and buy their product. But thanks for further proving how infact, you are the wrong one.

I give out plenty for promotional purposes. We sponsor bands, events, bars, and even individuals all the time, but only when it makes fucking sense. When the risk equals the reward. See? Its a thing called business accumen you uncultured swine. Some random asshat on the internet asking for something with absolutely no chance it will have any effect? Completely pointless, and I bet almost every company you ask will tell you the same. And thanks for insulting one of the largest independent breweries in Florida, then again, I doubt you'd be one to purchase or product, and you're damn sure not someone Id supply with promotional materials.

Like I stated in the last message, they either didnt vet you, you lied your ass off, or you got promotional samples not actual product, which they would give to any random asshole inquiring. Getting a wine sample at a grocery store is a far cry from saying "THEY GAVE ME A BOTTLE OF WINE FOR FREE", if thats the argument you're trying to make. Again, thats the exact department I work in, you continue to make yourself look ignorant as fuck.

I'm generalizing the whole concept because EVERY FUCKING COMPANY USES THE SAME FUCKING CONCEPT. It doesnt matter of you're a guitar manufacturer, a sex toy company, or a clothing company, it all boils down to the same exact goddamned concept. In giving out promotional item, the risk must equal the reward. End of story.

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