The Vent-o-Matic 3000 for Friday October 16, 2020

Stuff at school has me spiiiiraling the fuck out. I've been going the extra mile all semester to be helpful and reliable and inclusive and active with the entire class. I wasn't really doing this for any reason except to foster a positive atmosphere, but when people started suggesting a leadership role I did get excited about it. It seemed like they thought I was the obvious choice... THEN some other student started campaigning for himself out of nowhere and I'm caught between major annoyance and not even being sure if I want to do this at all. I'm not competitive enough to try to sell myself to everyone, but at the same time I feel like my past actions should speak for themselves. I also shouldn't be annoyed at all that someone is competing for it but competition has just always been super triggering for me. It makes me want to just crawl into a hole and hate myself for not being the best.. and then guess what that self-hatred leads to?

ANYWAYS, I'm getting waaay too worked up about it for no reason and I need to chill the fuck out but it's really hard for me these days! I don't know what to do with all this anxious energy because it's too cold outside to run and my gym is still closed. UgGGhHHH

/r/stopdrinking Thread