Tavern Brawls: We need less "Create Deck" Brawls.

I suppose it depends a lot on how much you want to do the Brawls. If you want to play a few games, get your pack, and be done with, then pre-created decks are great.

On the other hand, for the brawls where we create our own decks, I've found myself playing quite a lot more, knocking out quests, trying out different ideas and different heroes, etc. For this week, if you get tired of Coin+Flamewaker Mage, you can try free armor Control Warrior or Priest, or Banana Zoolock, or Summoning Stone+all spells are cheaper.

By comparison, even the most random brawls feel pretty samey after a few attempts when everyone has the same deck. No matter what class I pick, all Unstable Portals or all Webspinners or your-entire-deck-is-random is pretty much just the same game every time. No planning ahead because you don't know what you'll get, no tweaking your deck or trying new ideas. Just hit play and see what cards you get. It gets old even faster when you have two fixed decks, like when they intro'd the new heroes or Rag vs. Nef.

I can understand that it's lame not having the cards to craft the decks you want to play in the brawls, but if "putting everyone on the same level" necessitates every game being pretty much exactly the same as every other one, then I strongly disagree that doing so would be "best" for brawl.

Aside from all that, I think it's quite a stretch to say all these brawls have been "brutal" if you don't have an extremely well-rounded collection. My MVPs from last week and the week before were mostly commons. In the charge/taunt brawl most of my decks were things like Ragers and cheap Divine Shield minions, along with a few random rares. The Molten Giant thing was cute, but hardly necessary to build a deck that could get an extremely good win rate. Likewise, when heroes had taunt some of my MVPs were things like Micro Machine and Questing Adventurer. I've generally felt like these recent brawls have made it possible to build very strong decks out of commons and rares, without needing Antonidas or Enhance-o Mechanico or Deathwing.

/r/hearthstone Thread