I'm feeling stupid/lazy for wanting to quit my job

Right when I graduated Uni I got a well paying salaried full-time job. It drained my soul too, so I quit. I got another full-time job and I quit that too. Then I got an awesome part-time+seasonal job that I loved and I've been revamping my art and I became so much happier. :)

I decided to give full-time work another go and for 2 months I've been doing another full time job but I've finally decided once and for all it's not for me to ever work full-time. So I'm about to quit again for a part time job. This is the longest I've ever worked fulltime.

I used to think I was a failure for quitting jobs all the time but now I see it as my ultimate strength. :) I'm much happier working less, doing my hobbies, and being close to the individuals in my life.

/r/antiwork Thread