Tayshia Adams Opens Up About Getting Filler For The First Time - Brand Ambassador for Allergan

she looks great though so I don't see the problem. at least she's being honest about it. i'm tired of people making others that get botox or surgery feel bad. it's their face. "OMG HOW SAD, LOOK AT SOCIETY NOW". Uh, how is this affecting your life? It's not. if someone is not happy with their current features, why can't they change it so they can feel better about themselves? it's up to the individual, not random strangers on the internet saying "ThEy DiDNt nEeD iT" .... as long as the procedure looks great (like it does on tayshia) and isn't overdone, it's alright to me. It kind of reminds me of guys that are like "girls don't need makeup!!!" okay and? stfu! it's my face.

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