What are your personal ethics and beliefs?

Hmmm....from a psychology standpoint, this bothers me a lot:

Do your best to do the right thing for the people who matter to you. Even if your sacrifices go unnoticed, you'll sleep better at night and your self confidence will be greater.

Of course, do right by the people you care about. But, I think it's important to make sure that you don't begin to feel resentment for the person, just because you think that your sacrifices are unnoticed. That's totally not healthy, and your self-confidence will sink because no one's noticing your sacrifices.

First rule of thumb: Make sure you've got your oxygen mask on before you help someone out with theirs. As an ENTP, I know it's easy for me to forget the importance of self-care, but it's important nonetheless. How are you supposed to help someone else, if you can't help yourself?

On that note - communication is key. No one can read your mind, and it's pointless to get depressed because someone is ignoring feelings that you aren't telling them about. You don't have to be passive, you don't have to be aggressive, you just have to be assertive. Otherwise, you start to feel like a door mat.

Don't worry about doing the right thing for the people who don't matter to you. Minimize the number of lop-sided relationships in your life as soon as you realize that they are lop-sided.

Again, this seems like a communication thing. If you've got a relationship going and it's lopsided, there's only one way to fix it: TALK. To them. Not anyone else, because again - no one's a telepath except for maybe in r/paranormal. Tell them that certain needs of yours are serious - I don't want to use the word, "ultimatum," but maybe deal-breaker? At least then you know that if they still ignore your deal-breakers, that it's definitely a lop-sided relationship. But they might not have realized the seriousness of your needs and that could motivate them to change. Then that relationship is no longer lop-sided. Easy-peasy.

Listen to the rational side of your brain. It's there to babysit you and keep you out of harm's way. You can trust it more than your own feelings. If something doesn't feel right, think about it.

Dude, you're an ENTP and I get that you're rational, I'm an ENTP, too. But you can't rationalize everything. That reeks of bitterness. Happiness is not rational, so trust THAT. Sometimes when you think you're being the most rational, you're not. Like, going on a diet and giving up your favorite food. Rationally that's good for you, you'll lose weight, heart healthy, BMI, you get the picture. But you lose the weight, and realize that you're not really happy because you've been living off hummus for the past 7 years. Or get a job as an accountant instead of an artist because it rationally makes sense to have more money. So yeah, trust that rationality, and I'm sure you'll lead a happy life.

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