Thank you Sean Murray

First of all, let me preface this by saying I did not buy NMS at launch, so I did not get that sense of betrayal that many of you recieved. So I can understand that to some degree I don't understand. Second, please calm down guys lets talk about this civally. Ad Hominem arguments are both futile and childish. I have enjoyed the game in it's current state and can appreciate OPs sentiment, however, the marketing was fishy and should not be dismissed. In a few obscure interviews they said they would update it later and should have been more straightforward. The expectations were incredibly unrealistic(partially brought on by the media). The politics analogy someone brought up is correct in a whole other light: the media will warp whatever they can to get the click they want. I think that all of the news outlets are as much to blame for the dissapointment as anyone. Lastly its almost a year, so be wary of this marketing at E3 this year. Don't forget what happened, but holding onto something like that when individual people are losing THOUSANDS of dollars from sleazy loans is somewhat absurd.

TLDR: We can't change the past so lets make sure to keep an eye on the future :)

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread