Bernie Sanders pledges to stay in 2020 race despite major defeats

This isn't even the problem, polls show that the majority of Americans support Medicare for all. That article says that 42% of Republicans support Medicare for all, and that a whopping 72% of Democrats support the idea. Similar numbers exist for the Green New Deal and a wealth tax. If people actually had all of the facts and voted based the on issues, Sanders would win in a landslide.

Unfortunately, the corporate media has managed to convince people that Bernie's ideas make him unelectable, which is obviously a myth. I'll say it again, 42% of Republicans support Medicare for All. If 42% of Republicans voted for Progressives in the general election, Progressives wouldn't just win the Presidency. They would take both houses of Congress, along with the vast majority of state legislatures. We would get universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, and much higher taxes on the wealthy.

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