What's the best game right now for simply mucking about in space?

games that ease my depression.

I would say something that isnt endless or multiplayer. Whenever I see people complaining about gaming depression, they always mention some endless online game like League, Fortnite, Apex, a MMORPG, etc. Try something with a clear beginning/middle/end that you aren't encouraged to play for infinite hours. You finish it, you feel accomplished, then you move on to something else.

Outer Wilds is a great singleplayer adventure game that takes place in space and i highly recommend that.

Is No Man's Sky in a good way these days?

It's alright, but its endless and it gets repetitive. I had fun with it for about 100 hours and then everything started kind of blending together and feeling like I was just grinding. It's worth playing to see the cool parts, but not really worth getting invested in.

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