There is no explanation for what has been going on!!! It seems too good to be a coincidence!

I've always had interest in manifesting girls that are into me or hook ups with them. Over the years I have manifested many events and I'm like a specialist at this. But I have never had a girlfriend in my life yet (out of limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and so on). This was last year: first of all, I had been in abstention from masturbation (check out /r/NoFap/) so I would rise up my manifestation powers, clear thinking and will power levels. 15 days later so I decided I wanted to try it out for good to manifest a GF (or felt powerful to do so). So going through many experiences (not that it's the ideal) and frustrations in my mind as to incomplete wishes (platonic things or never realizing opportunities) I brushed away what I didn't want, and set up a vague expectation of what I wished in a partner with all personal, psychological and physical criteria. Because I was cool with it at the time and taking it easy because I went by too much stress on the relationships department (I've always been in stress over it, even though I managed to manifest cool things), I didn't even make a formal wishing order to the universe, and always left it for later, just feeling good at whatever I was doing at the time (for example, listening to music). As a matter of fact, I was actually pissed off by girls one sleepless night and in one moment of pure emotional relief and inspired action, I decided to check my dating app profile and end up fiding this very cute girl and looking at her profile. So from them on we started a conversation that lasted for hours and so on and we met and hooked up. Now I know this was the exact manifestation because she had the looks I wanted (I wanted her to look american), because she was wearing an oriental dress at her pic (I was listening a lot to a japanese singer) and because just weeks later I decreted to a friend on facebook chat I was going to manifest a partner so it was written right before. Well we didn't actually date because I broke my NoFap streak and that turned me insecure and wacky and my dark side came about so I scared her off. But she REALLY liked me (tell you the truth, she even masturbated the night we just met, and that was also inside the wish) and we cut contact and came back on and off a lot of times. She was really smart and special and told me very important things about myself that I needed to know and I'm grateful for having met her and manifested her despite everything and my erratic behavior or hers, but needless to say I didn't need game to have an awesome relationship with her (IT ACTUALLY KILLED OFF OUR VIBE IF I DID) she was extremely human and real person and I was always surprised, captivated and amazed by her. So all this also letting me know I CAN do this, it's been a ladder to that point in my life actually. But you don't need all that struggle. Just realize in whatever way and inside yourself that you can do it, this was the way I found for myself. So let me make it clear about your post if I understood correctly, you are the type of person that usually tries to manifest a relationship with a certain person that you already know, to be attracted to you - but you might aswel just attract the opportunity to MEET someone totally new you don't know with the characteristics you want that will be attracted to you no doubt, I think that's always easier and less aggressive and risky approach to take (and that's 99,5% of my relationship manifestations).

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