These are confusing times

No, that's not me being wrong, that's companies ignoring the subject thinking their customers are man children whose anger will pass in a weekend. After all they asked customers for their reviews, they have the right to delete them, is not a rule not a law, is damage control.

And yes, I can agree, some people who gave a 1 star rating do fit in the description of entitled manchild, but others don't. I have wrote a very compelling review on why I am disappointed with the product, not a rant.

In the very moment a company let us express our opinions through an open, customer based, rating system they are asking for us to put down there in a personal manner, why we like or dislike their products. By removing any criticism the ones acting like man children are those very companies.

If I can help it, I won't be stepped down by a hurt ego. If I'm proved wrong I'll back down, but so far all I have seen is censure. They have the right to erease my review in their own site. But as long as I keep the right to write it down again, I will do so. And I will keep doing so since this is not simply an anniversary or Mihoyo matter to me.

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